Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Bad Wording...

In my last post I wrote these words:

My heart broke for these people. My heart broke for the people of my church. My heart broke for Christians all over the United States who seem to have cast the poor off as unreachable and not worthy.

I didn't mean for it to sound like the church where I am currently serving has done this. The church where I am is probably one of the most loving churches I have been a part of. With that said, the statements above were meant to be three separate statements. Allow me to clarify...

"My heart broke for these people."

It broke my heart that there are people that are out there who feel like their life is not worth living. This is something that makes me cry more than anything. If you ask my wife she will tell you the story about me watching the movie, "The Secret Life of Bees," and crying when the girl in the movie said she was "unloveable." So that is what I meant when I said my heart broke for those people.

"My heart broke for the people of my church"

Now calling it "my church" is bad enough, but I am sure everyone knew what I meant--the church where I am serving. What I meant by this statement, however, is that my heart broke for the people of my church to have their hearts broken over the needs in our town. This doesn't mean that they don't care about people, or have cast anyone aside. There is always room for the Lord to break us more and to transform our hearts to see people the way Jesus sees people. The way the Father sees people (through the cross). I hope that I never stop being broken my God, and I hope that the people in the church where I am serving never stop being broken either. That is what I meant, so I hope that clears things up.

"My heart broke for Christians all over the United States who seem to have cast off the poor as unreachable and not worthy"

This statement is self explanatory I think. I pray that we who are part of the universal church in America would truly be broken over the way we have treated the poor as a whole, and repent, and start living like Jesus when it comes to loving the poor.

I hope that clears things up for anyone who stumbles across this blog (who may or may not attend the church where I serve).

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