Tuesday, April 20, 2010


So it has been a long time since I have entered something on this blog and I know both of my readers are eagerly waiting in anticipation, so I wanted to give a quick update before I continue the series of "Women in Scriptures."

It has been an exciting last month at our church. We have seen three people come to Christ, and have had 2 baptisms! This past Sunday was the third person to accept Jesus. This one was exciting for me because it was one of the youth that lives directly behind our house. We have been praying for him and his family since being here. The Lord has allowed me to build a relationship with the entire family and yesterday He allowed us to see the benefits of our prayers and that relationship. I must say here, that it was not just my relationship with the family, but my wife's leadership in the youth ministry that was very instrumental in this boy coming to know Jesus. She put on a D-now that really challenged the students about the way they should live their lives, and the demands that Jesus' call places on all of us who desire to follow him. The best part of the D-Now was that there was a challenging message but in an environment that was fun and relaxed. I believe the Lord was working through that D-Now and this kid has been coming every Sunday and Wednesday since then, hearing the message of God.

I am thankful that the Lord allowed us to see the results of our labor. Also, I am not saying it was just us that was involved in this process. As John 4 reminds us, some plant and others water. Some will never see the fruit of their labor this side of heaven, but some will. And in those times when the Lord allows you to see someone with whom you have a relationship and been praying for come to faith it gives a feeling like no other!

So the last month has been a whirlwind of baptisms, visiting with people who have confessed Christ and are beginning a life with Christ. God is really doing something here in our church, and I am so blessed that we get to be a part of it!

So as God continues to do amazing things (even in spite of the pastor they have :) ) pray for us as continue on this awesome journey!

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